Quantifying Neuromuscular Disease Progression Using Gait Analysis

In this project, I used detrended fluctuation analysis, a non-linear signal processing technique, to analyze self-similarity of the gait stride to quantitatively assess neuromuscular degeneration with age and disease.


The gait cycle, defined as the time-frame between when one foot hits the ground and that same foot hits the ground again during normal locomotion, is an important physiological measure for physicians that is often used to evaluate the progression of musculoskeletal disorders. In the figure on the right, take note of the leg in black: when it hits the ground on the next step, a gait cycle (also known as stride interval) has been completed.
Gait Cycle
Gait Pattern
It is well known that the duration of the gait cycle exhibits fractal behavior. When a system is fractal in nature, this means that its dynamics exhibit an infinitely complex pattern that repeats over and over again, or is self-similar across all scales. For sure you have seen this in an architectural setting, as shown on the left. These types of patterns are known as fractal, since they are created using never-ending patterns that are self-similar. The gait cycle, as with many other systems in nature, exhibits this same behavior.
The neural mechanism behind this fractal behavior is currently unknown. However, recent studies have reported a decrease in self-similarity of the gait cycle with age and disease progression, specifically with Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease. Thus, evaluating self-similarity in the gait cycle in healthy patients, older patients, and diseased patients is helpful in understanding why this decrease occurs. Knowing where the degeneration comes from can help us intervene over the course of this d egeneration faster.
Gait Brain
Gait DFA
Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is a non-linear signal processing technique that mathematically quantifies how self-similar a signal is. The detailed method behind this quantification can be found on Physionet. The result of DFA is a straight line plotted on a log-log plot, of which we are concerned with the slope. The value of the slope of this line tells us a great deal about how self-similar the signal is: a value of 1.0 indicates 1/f fractal noise and a value of 0.5 indicates an uncorrelated signal.

Methods and Results

Available data from PhysioNet was used to evaluate the decrease in self-similarity in young, healthy patients, vs. old and diseased patients. MATLAB was used for signal analysis and processing.
Gait Results


The main finding of this analysis is that gait cycle self-similarity is decreased in elderly and Huntington’s (HD) patients relative to young, healthy patients. HD is characterized by atrophy of the basal ganglia. Thus, it is likely that the basal ganglia is highly involved in the regulation of fractal behavior exhibited in healthy patients. Further research is needed to validate and elaborate on these findings. While this type of analysis has not yet elucidated the neural mechanisms behind the deterioration of self-similarity in the gait cycle with age and disease, it can prove a useful quantitative measure for the progression of these degenerative mechanisms.